

  1. AAAI 2024
    Physics-informed representation and learning: Control and risk quantification
    Zhuoyuan Wang, Reece Keller , Xiyu Deng , Kenta Hoshino , Takashi Tanaka , and Yorie Nakahira
    Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence , 2024


  1. ICRA 2024
    Towards Proactive Safe Human-Robot Collaborations via Data-Efficient Conditional Behavior Prediction
    Ravi Pandya , Zhuoyuan Wang, Yorie Nakahira , and Changliu Liu
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.11893, 2023
  2. L4DC 2023
    A Generalizable Physics-informed Learning Framework for Risk Probability Estimation
    Zhuoyuan Wang, and Yorie Nakahira
    Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference , 2023
  3. L-CSS
    Scalable Long-Term Safety Certificate for Large-Scale Systems
    Kenta Hoshino , Zhuoyuan Wang, and Yorie Nakahira
    IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023
  4. IFAC 2023
    An occlusion-and interaction-aware safe control strategy for autonomous vehicles
    Siddharth Gangadhar , Zhuoyuan Wang, Kofi Poku , Naoya Yamada , Kohei Honda , Yorie Nakahira , Hiroyuki Okuda , and Tatsuya Suzuki
    IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2023


  1. ACC 2022
    Myopically verifiable probabilistic certificate for long-term safety
    Zhuoyuan Wang, Haoming Jing , Christian Kurniawan , Albert Chern , and Yorie Nakahira
    2022 American Control Conference (ACC) , 2022
  2. IV 2022
    Adaptive safe control for driving in uncertain environments
    Siddharth Gangadhar , Zhuoyuan Wang, Haoming Jing , and Yorie Nakahira
    2022 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) , 2022


  1. TPAMI
    Self-supervised discovering of interpretable features for reinforcement learning
    Wenjie Shi , Gao Huang , Shiji Song , Zhuoyuan Wang, Tingyu Lin , and Cheng Wu
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2020